苦楚虽多 但祢的安慰更多
路虽漫长 但我知有祢牵着我
今年四月, 吴传道邀我参与今年的学生营, 在确认了将不影响工作和韩语考试的情况下, 我接受了这项挑战... 为何在学生营当组长成了我的一项挑战? 仔细想想, 我有十多年没参与学生营了. 担心和学生们有代沟, 担心自己的体力无法负荷, 担心被学生们或小组长排挤, 担心自己做得不好. 在营会的日子一天天逼近时, 这些担忧越是严重. 传道对组长的要求 - 要领会<<绿野仙踪>>和亚伯拉罕的故事, 四个属灵的定律, 灵修和查经资料等等, 更是让我喘不过气来. 碰上韩语考试正好在营会的第一天, 让我好想临阵退缩. 但上帝是奇妙的, 祂安排了其他和我有一样担忧的组长彼此分享, 这才让我觉得I am not alone!
营会开始了, 我从第二天才加入. 感谢主, 学生们都很配合, 也没刁难组长, 和他们彼此分享时, 还觉得有些蛮可爱的. 有学生对植物过敏;有学生非常喜欢自己的名字; 还有学生曾经遭鸟粪袭击... 哈哈! 玩游戏时, 我们老是落在后面, 但看到同学们玩得开心, 并不介意, 我也松了口气. 但是同学们之间还是难免有些摩擦, 有同学认为自己被排挤, 也有同学因为组员不够团结而感到失落. 身为组长的我, 一时也不知该如何是好. 最让我感动的是, 组里所有的基督徒同学竟一起主动商讨如何解决问题. 奇妙的是, 营会到了第四天, 学生们玩了Amazing Race, 感情又变好了. 上帝真是Amazing!
这整个营会里最让我关注的是三位学生, 一位天主教徒, 两位非信徒. 他们常走在一块, 想和他们分享都很难. 在营会的最后一晚, 终于有机会和他们三个人一起聊天, 一起回想营会里开心的点点滴滴,也算是建立了一点点的友情. 营会结束后, 我竟然最不舍的是他们. 或许是因为我不晓得几时才会再见到他们... 昨天, 同学们又回到教会参加 Camp Echo, 见到他们让我感到很开心, 但分开时又难掩自己失落的心情.
"Thank you for being an AWESOME leader! Thank you for putting in sooo much effort to lead Rolex. I was touched by how difficult it is and how you handled your work and juggled with all that stuff. I hope that it was worth it! I really, Really, REALLY appreciate your work & effort…"
回想那几天的营会, 或许有很多同学们会在营会里有所得着, 但我总觉得, 组长们得着的更多.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Land of Orz!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
今天在教堂听到这首歌, 觉得非常好听, 歌词也写得很好. 因此, 想在这里和路过<<心曲>>的人分亨. 希望你也会喜欢.
我们的爱让世界不一样 (x2)
Friday, May 6, 2011
My Hobby 나의 취미
After learning Korean for slightly over a year, I felt that it is about time I start to blog in Korean Language. What other better ways to practise what I have learned? OK, I know some of you may not know what I am writing, so I have decided to translate it to English...
So what is my first Korean post about? Haha, read on to find out!
제 취미는 인터넷 블로깅입니다. 그 취미을 시작한 지는 3년이 됐습니다. 처음에 블로깅을 하는 것이 멋있어 보였습니다. 그리고 주위의 친구들도 블로깅을 아주 좋아합니다. 그래서 저도 블로깅을 해 봤습니다.
이제 언제든지 기분이 좋거나 우울할 때 감정에 대해서 쓰며 블로깅을 합니다. 가끔 생활 중에 뜻밖의 만남이나 이상한 일도 쓸 수 있습니다.
블로깅을 하는 중에는 자신의 생각이나 의견, 감정도 표현할 수 있어서 좋습니다. 친구들은 제 블로그 읽기를 통해서 저를 잘 알고 있습니다.
블로깅 하는 건 어렵지 않습니다. 시간이 좀 걸리기는 하지만 아주 재미있습니다.
My hobby is internet blogging. It has been 3 years since I started this hobby. At first, blogging looks cool and my friends around me also like blogging very much. Therefore, I too gave blogging a try.
Now, whenever I feel happy or depressed, I will write and blog about my feelings. Sometimes we can also write about strange encounters or weird things that happen in our life.
It is good that when you blog, you can express your own thoughts, opinion or even feelings. And friends are able to know me better through reading my blog.
Blogging is not difficult. It does take up quite a bit of time but it is very interesting.
Oh... Did I mention that this is one of my essay homework written recently? Hee...
Monday, April 25, 2011
<<拍.卖>> Secrets For Sale
上个月中, 新传媒播映这部作品时, 我忙着上韩语课而错过了不少剧情. 后来, 让人意外的, 这部剧很快又重播了. 不用多说, 我赶紧把这部剧从头到尾好好地看了一遍...
果然是一部与众不同的好剧. 和娃娃映画之前的三部作品保持着一样的水准和风格. 对话仍然那么有趣, 剧情仍然那么另类. 但这一次, 结局更是出人意料之外!
虽然觉得李铭顺看上去似乎有一点老成, 但不得不说他这次的演技真的非常棒! 简直就是一个字 '赞'! 第十二集, 当他知道自己可能遭遇不测, 而预录了一段告别片段给家琦. 哇! 那一幕看了不禁让我泪流满面. 明年的红星大奖, 应该可以让他凭这部剧而入围.
刘芷绚在<<拍.卖>>中的表现也不逊色, 但就是被李铭顺的精湛演技给遮盖了. 说真的, 新传媒的七公主里就刘芷绚给我的印象最好, 最舒服. 看来, 娃娃映画在选角这方面一点也不马虎. 真希望下一次她还能参与这么好的作品.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
每一天, 我们都常在固定时间上下班, 久而久之, 你是否有注意到原来身边有很多是你不认识, 但也和你在同一个时间上下班的陌生人? 渐渐地, ‘见面’的日子久了, 就会产生一种‘似曾相似’的感觉…
一年前开始报读韩语课程, 每周一和周三都有课. 下课回家时已是晚上九点多.
那一天, 同学提议到Raffles Place转换地铁, 我也没多想就同意了. 意外的是, 就在地铁驶入Raffles Place之前, 让我见到了他的背影... 我怎么都没发现我们都处在同一个车箱里!
过了这么多年, 还能这样巧遇是我从来都没想到的. 屈指一数, 已经有十五年了! 这是什么样的缘分? 真是让我难以理解.
而他...还是那样有型有款, 外型依然那么酷, 就连岁月的痕迹都难以察觉.
一同搭乘往同样方向行驶的地铁, 我这才明白为何我们这么多年没见. 原来他已经搬家了. 下车前, 他往我的方向看了一眼, 似乎在对我说:“朋友, 我已经不在以前的地铁站下车了.”
这一次的巧遇虽然让我感到既兴奋又意外, 但心理却也知道这样的巧遇很难再有.
公司在年头从Raffles Place迁到了Novena, 因此上班的时间也得跟着调整了.
过了一阵子, 我开始注意到和我‘一起’上班的陌生人当中, 就有一位外型挺酷, 长得有型有款, 大约二十来岁的男士. 经过多次的观察, 才发现他住在离我家两个巴士站附近. 而他上班的地点就在Somerset地铁站那一带.
几个月下来, 我不禁会想:“他是否也有注意到我的存在???”
刚从国外留学归来, 换了新公司, 上班时间也和以前不一样了. 一起上班的陌生人当然也换了. 我也自然而然地忘了那两年前一起上班的酷男…
1999年 - 2001年
或许是因为住得近的缘故, 偶尔(几个月一次)在外出的途中会在地铁站碰到那位酷男.
2002年 - 2006年
换了工作, 这回上班的地点竟然是在Somerset地铁站附近! 可是, 也许是上班的时间不同, 又或许他也已经换了公司, 从来都没在工作地点或上下班的时间碰到那位男士.
但…巧的是, 我们偶尔还是会在外出的途中擦肩而过.
2007年 - 2010年
公司又迁到了Raffles Place.
不知道为什么, 再也没遇到酷男. 很自然地, 我也把他给淡忘了…
两周过去了, 又是周三, 同样有课.
在回家的途中和同学在聊天的时候, 竟然再次见到他. 真是令人难以思意! 这一次, 不知是哪来的勇气, 我竟然拿起手机玩偷拍. 虽然知道这么做不对, 但心里想:“这一次应该是最后了吧?”
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Farewell, My Boss...
Last night, after I got home from my class, I checked my phone and realised that I have many emails to be read. Did a quick scan through the email subjects and one of them caught my attention. It was an email from my ex-colleague and the subject is the name of my ex-boss. Instinctively, I knew that something must have happened to my ex-boss. With a heavy heart, I opened the email only to confirm my fear. My ex-boss has passed away on 19 December 2010...
How did it happen? Why was I not informed earlier? Was it due to his kidney problem which I knew back in the time I worked for him in 1995? There was no answer to my questions...
Memories of the time I have spent with my ex-boss came flooding back. He was a wonderful boss, a caring and understanding boss. Never lost his cool and was always very patient with us. I remembered the time when my ex-colleague and I went to KL to have a short holiday, my ex-boss invited us to stay with him and even took the trouble to show us around KL. And that... was the last time I met up with him; the last I spoke to him. I recalled that I sent him an email to thank him for his hospitality after the trip, but how I regret that I did not put in the effort to keep in touch with him further from then on... On the positive side, I am grateful for those memories of my trip to KL, of the time I have spent with him. It just feels like there is something for me to hold on to, despite his departure from this world.
Farewell, my boss... I am sorry that I could not bid you farewell earlier. But I am sure we will meet again one day... in our Father's kingdom.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Pool In The Sky
Two weeks ago, I went to Marina Bay Sands (MBS). Never did I expect the view from the top to be so breath-taking that it even convinced me to post this in my blog.
The infinity pool looks so inviting! If you have purchased a ticket to go up to the sky park, you will regret not checking into a room in MBS instead.
The view just before you step into the pool looks so good. Imagine swimming so high up in the air (57th storey!)
So what is beyond that infinity pool? And how long is the pool? Let's take a look!
I think the pool is about 150m - 200m long. But they have divided it into 3 sections, with the middle section being the longest.
The depth of the pool is consistantly 1.2m deep. So it allows hotel guests to bring their cameras into the pool without getting them wet.
This pool could have easily won the guinness book of records with the most number of cameras in it at any time!
MBS has prepared quite a number of pool chairs for their guests. It is a good thing that they only allow hotel guests into the pool area, else there will not be enough pool chairs to go round!
Besides the pool, what else can we see from the top? If you have purchased the ticket to the sky park, here's what you will see...
The view of Marina Bay... Funny that Singapore Flyer looks so much smaller when you see it from here.
The entire Singapore city view! MBS will definitely have the best view for this year's NDP.
And last but not least, there is also a garden up there in the sky park.
So for those of you still hesitating about visiting MBS, just do it now! I am sure you will like the pool as much as I do!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Road to PMP Certification
Two weeks ago, I attended my first course in the last 4 years! (Yes, it's true!) It was a course that will help me attain my PMP Certification.
Here's some pic to show you what we have done during our course...
The project that my team wanted to implement is called Sea Paradise, an underwater hotel!
First, we have to create the Project Scope Statement for the Project. Together with that, we also have to include the Flexibility Matrix and the Major Deliverables.
Next, we have to decompose the work required to complete our project into 'Work Packages', this will create the Work Breakdown Structure. The WBS also include the duration & the PIC for the work. Sequence of the work packages is not important!
By right we should decompose further into activity level, but due to time constraint, we just use the work packages and arrange them into a Schedule Network Diagram (sequence diagram) and determine the Critical Path...
After determining the Scope and Time, we have to develop the Cost Breakdown Structure...
For every project, there is some amount of risk involved. So we need to determine the Risk Assessment Matrix!
After identifying the risk, of course we also have to work out a Risk Response Plan!
Tada! After all that work, there was hardly any space left on our classroom's wall...
This is certainly an interesting course. For those who are planning to go for PMP certification, remember to look for our trainer - Mr. Alan Puan. He has definitely helped us digest our syallbus really well! Two thumbs up for him!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Durian Durian
On Thursday, my colleagues and I went to Katong to have a durian buffet. We did the most important preparation by having little for dinner.
At 8pm, we were all ready for our durian... but our boss has not arrived yet, so we started with the appetiser - Mangosteen and 'Lu ku'.
Finally, after a long wait, our first durian is served at 8.30pm.
By then, we were all drooling and really couldn't wait for the boss of the durian stall to explain to us the type of durian that is being served to us. See... the durians looked really good, didn't they?
After digging into the durians, I turned around and realised that my colleague from China has a really interesting way of eating durian. Never have I seen anyone eating durian in such a 'weird' manner. Don't believe? See it for yourself!
By 9.30pm, our much anticipated 'Cat-Mountain-King' (猫山王) still has not been served. In order to reserve some space for the King of Durians, we decided to 'tabao' whatever that we could not finish.
Finally, here comes our much awaited King... One of my colleagues descibed it as 'the best of the best' (极品中的极品)!
Hmm... I felt that though the 'Cat-Mountain-King' was good, but not sure whether it was due to the fact that by then I was almost full, I thought 'Red-Prawn' (红虾) was the best durian of the night! And 'Tai-Yuan' (太源), though looked a little pale and small in size, was not bad too!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Masticating Juicer
Ever heard of a masticating juicer? Well, a masticating juicer 'chews' the fruit or vegetable to break down the fibers and cell wall structure of the pulp. It is different from the usual fruit juicer that we normally buy and it can juice a wider range of fresh produce like vegetable, wheatgrass, nuts and berries too!
In May, my sister bought a masticating juicer which I thought is quite interesting. So I have taken a picture of it to share with you.
Notice the pulp of the fruit 'excreted' from the front of the juicer? Hee... I thought that look quite funny!
The juicer turns very slowly and squashes the juice out into the cup. This preserves the nutrients in the juice.
The fruit juice extracted from this juicer has a little bit of very fine pulp in it. Hmm... frankly, I think the centrifugal juicers make better-tasting juices, however, people who are more health-conscious will pick this masticating juicer any time!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
今天是一个感触很深的日子,因为八年前的这一天, 我最敬爱的啊嬷过逝了。。。
十年前,爸爸要我带着啊嬷到汕头老家探亲,那时,我可说是啊嬷的贴身丫环,兼护士,兼Porter. 一会儿要帮她扛东西,一会儿要帮她买东西,时间到了还要提醒她吃药。
那一次,我买了<<还珠格格>>来打发时间,几天下来,啊嬷问我“你怎么看书时一会儿哭,又一会儿笑的?" 可爱的啊嬷怎么也不明白为何同一本书能让我又哭又笑。
高中和啊嬷一起住的那几年,啊嬷非常疼我们。我也常和啊嬷说 'wa xiang sio 啊嬷!' (我最疼啊嬷了!) 如今,她离开我们八年了,我还是想对她说 '啊嬷,wa xiang sio lih!'
Friday, May 1, 2009
Got Character???

When I told my colleague about her, he said that he has bumped into her numerous times and every time, she is wearing a similar style top, showing off her tattoo.
Wah! Really got character!!!
Eh... Her back, I meant! =)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
《红星大奖》 Star Awards 2009
After watching the Star Awards, just can't help but want to write about my view on the awards that were given out tonight.
Best News/CA Presenter
I really cannot tahan this award! If they intend to give it to the same person every year or they feel that 董素华 is really so much better than the rest, then don't bother having this award. Totally waste of time!
Why wasn't 赵文蓓 given a chance for this award? She is quite an outstanding news presenter in my opinion.
Best Variety Show Host
I feel so happy for 郭亮! Think it is high time that this award be given to him. In fact, I felt the award came a little too late, that the excitement is not there any more for 郭亮.
Best Newcomer
Really don't know what to say about this award. Every year, I feel that they have given it to the wrong person. Though there isn't any particular person whom I support for this category.
Best Supporting Actress
Must they give out 2 awards for this category? The title of the award should be changed to 'Better Supporting Actresses' if this is the case. Hello! 'Best' refers to the most outstanding ONE! Not TWO!
I always feel that 李茵珠 should have been nominated for her role in <<一房半厅一水缸>> rather than <<小娘惹>>. She should win this award for her role in <<一房半厅一水缸>> .
Best Supporting Actor
Almost cried when 周初明 went on stage to receive this award. Felt that he really deserves it. Hope that God will heal him and we will see him acting again!
Best Actress
When I watched <<小娘惹>>, I felt that 欧萱's performance was better than 白薇秀's, though I am no fan of 欧萱. So I really cannot accept the award is given to 白薇秀.
In my heart, 陈莉萍 in <<黄金路>> is the Best Actress of all.
Best Actor
I think I will faint if this award is also given to another <<小娘惹>> cast. Though this show is quite interesting, but don't have to dominate the whole award ceremony.
陈汉玮 truely deserves this award! =)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
New Target - 1500 Skips In 30 Mins
Yeah!! After more than a week, I am so proud to announce that I have finally managed to achieve my target of 1000 skips in 30 mins. And I have also been able to skip more than 100x non-stop since my 4th day. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Now it is time to set a new target for myself to press on further... After all, I still have another 7 weeks to go, before I think I can see any visible result of my 'hardwork'.
Hmm... I think 1500 skips in half-hr should be achievable. And I think I should also aim for 150x non-stop too. =)
Let's see how I fare 10 days later...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Fat Loss Exercise - Jump Rope Workout
Recently my pants are starting to complain... either I exercise to lose some weight or I buy some new pair of pants. *Sigh* Age is really catching up and I finally have to face the reality that I will not be slim forever. Gone are the days where my waistline is less than 26 inches.
Today, I went to Queensway Shopping Centre to buy a soccer ball for my nephew. While I was there, I decided to get myself a Jump Rope, or what some called as a Skipping Rope.
Wah! Didn't know that skipping is not easy at all! After doing 30 skips, I could hardly catch my breath. In fact, I can't even do 100 skips continuously! 60 is all that I can manage at most.
Hmm... I have decided to set my target at achieving 100 skips continuously and 1000 skips in 30 mins. Hope I can do that after 1 month! And oh, of course my waistline also has to go down by an inch or two lah!
Wish me luck! =)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Stretching My Creativity
This morning, since I am on leave, I decided to learn a few tricks from those online tutorial. After 3 tutorials, I think I have began to 'understand' this tool a little better.
Tada! Have a look at my proud creations! All these are done purely using Photoshop... Not too bad right?

Thought the bullet on fire is kinda cool...


This abstract design though look complicated, but it is actually quite simple to do. Next time I am going to use this method to design my blog banner...
Hmm... something to look forward to!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Priority Seats?
This is a picture that I have taken when I was on my way to work last week. Can't understand why the 2 young and abled men can be so blind to the old man standing next to them.
I think SMRT should make annoucement at every station to remind those sitting on the Priorty Seats to look out for those with special needs and offer their seats to them. Else they will all get away by closing their eyes, pretending to sleep. Just like the 2nd man in the picture above.
Shame on you, guys!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Perfect Cut 2 <<一切完美 2>> 落幕了!
唉! <<一切完美2>> 竟然这么快就落幕了。害我这一个星期忽然觉得很空虚。
对白仍然是这次的特点。最喜欢的是Kelly说的那句 "只是两人一对,三人倒胃" Win又接上去的 "现在是四人两对,刚好对位,双双对对!" 哇! 好ryhme!
还有Kelly对Win说的 "Alex不是第一人选,他是唯一..."
好希望将来还会有<<一切完美3>>,再不然,希望制作组能够再合作,创造另一部和<<一切完美>> 一样的好戏!