Monday, March 2, 2009

Perfect Cut 2 <<一切完美 2>>

Wah... Can't wait for Wednesday to come! MediaCorp is finally going to broadcast the sequel to my favourite Singapore drama series in 2008 - "Perfect Cut 2"!

In my opinion, this show is even better than the popular but controversial Nyonya drama. The story is simple but heart-warming, the script is also very well written. A lot of effort is put into the making of this show. Certainly not to be missed!

Hmm... Must be home before 10pm in the next few weeks to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Indeed, Im desperately captivated by this thematic song, as well as the show… u noe, I m not an adherent of an local soap drama due to various reasons.

initially, I was not much allured by the melody of the song but the striking lyrics… "… 放了爱, 为了爱, … 放了爱, 你会明白…" oh yes, let God, and let go… only those who have been there… u noe wat im talking abt…

anyway, I was surfing in random, n just happened to view yr lots of comments on the show "Perfect Cut 2". Btw, I had a belly laugh with yr thread on "Life is all about Communications!" I was utterly marveled by yr sensational intuition… thk u :P u may reach me at, cya!