Friday, February 22, 2008

Travelling Tips

I have been on overseas trips with friends and hear them go: 'Oh! I forgot to pack my ...' At times, some of these are essential items which you can't get it easily at the convenient store (well, they are not always that convenient!). And I wondered why they have never thought of keeping a list of things to pack for a trip. In this way, you just have to refer to the list and pack, without having to worry about missing out important items!

I always practise this. In my list, there are items meant for trips of different nature and weather. Items such as winter jacket, sandals, laptop, track shoes etc. I will classify the items under various categories. And if I am travelling to a tropical country, I will ignore the winter clothes category. I update the list once in a while and print a few copies to keep at home. In this way, even if I need to travel on a last minute notice, I will be able to travel with ease. : )

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fish Therapy

I squirmed as soon as I lowered my feet into the pool. There were thousands of tiny fishes waiting eagerly to nibble off the dead skin on my feet. I couldn't help but giggled while I was being eaten alive by the fishes.

'Fish Therapy' is a new craze in Singapore.

I have long heard that it is an exfoliating treatment that is both fun and relaxing. It wasn't until last Monday that I went to experience it for myself. The feeling was so ticklish that I lifted both my feet as soon as the fish rushed to feed on them.

The lady attending to us suggested that I start off with my heels. It does help! But I can’t be feeding the fishes with just my heels for the next 30 mins of
treatment! After a few attempts, I finally decided to keep both my feet in the water regardless of how prickly I felt. Pretty soon, my feet were numbed while the fishes pecked away happily.

It is believed that Fish Therapy is an effective method for removing dead skin cells, which will result in fairer and smoother skin by allowing it to grow. It also helps to improve our blood circulation! After a 30 minute session, your feet will feel massaged, glowing and with improved skin.

Will I go for the Fish Therapy again? The answer is a resounding 'Yes'! Why? Because I have signed up for a package which entitles me to a second visit! Ha! : )

Saturday, February 16, 2008


最近写blog似乎成了一种风, 许多人都有自己的blog.
在同事的鼓励下, 我终于决定开始自己的blog.
(ok, ok - 我是怕朋友笑我落伍才写blog的.)
于是, 我选择在这个懒洋洋的下午开始了我的blog...

原以为设立自己的blog应该不太难, 没想到最困难的竟是为这个blog取名.
唉! 为什么所有合意的都被别人给用上了呢?
绞尽脑汁, 终于决定就用'心曲'这个名字.

'心曲' - 心中的曲子.

哈哈! 终于发出了我的第一个Post!