Saturday, July 4, 2009

Masticating Juicer

Ever heard of a masticating juicer? Well, a masticating juicer 'chews' the fruit or vegetable to break down the fibers and cell wall structure of the pulp. It is different from the usual fruit juicer that we normally buy and it can juice a wider range of fresh produce like vegetable, wheatgrass, nuts and berries too!

In May, my sister bought a masticating juicer which I thought is quite interesting. So I have taken a picture of it to share with you.

Notice the pulp of the fruit 'excreted' from the front of the juicer? Hee... I thought that look quite funny!

The juicer turns very slowly and squashes the juice out into the cup. This preserves the nutrients in the juice.

The fruit juice extracted from this juicer has a little bit of very fine pulp in it. Hmm... frankly, I think the centrifugal juicers make better-tasting juices, however, people who are more health-conscious will pick this masticating juicer any time!

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