Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fat Loss Exercise - Jump Rope Workout

Recently my pants are starting to complain... either I exercise to lose some weight or I buy some new pair of pants. *Sigh* Age is really catching up and I finally have to face the reality that I will not be slim forever. Gone are the days where my waistline is less than 26 inches.

Today, I went to Queensway Shopping Centre to buy a soccer ball for my nephew. While I was there, I decided to get myself a Jump Rope, or what some called as a Skipping Rope.

Wah! Didn't know that skipping is not easy at all! After doing 30 skips, I could hardly catch my breath. In fact, I can't even do 100 skips continuously! 60 is all that I can manage at most.

Hmm... I have decided to set my target at achieving 100 skips continuously and 1000 skips in 30 mins. Hope I can do that after 1 month! And oh, of course my waistline also has to go down by an inch or two lah!

Wish me luck! =)


Terence said...

watch out, nowadays is quite windy, somemore quite strong

Musical Notes said...

No worries... I am still quite heavy and I also don't think my weight will go down that much with all that exercise.

I am just aiming for my waistline to go down, down and down. Hee! =)

XM said...

Be sure to wear the appropriate shoe when skipping.. Dun hurt ur knee...

Musical Notes said...

Yes... has been going down to the 'exerise station' (got the rubber flooring) to do the skipping... can help to absorb the impact. =)

imfirefly said...

im still in the midst of making a flash movie currently... Yap, it's for u...

Keep looking out for it... im sure u will marveled by it desperately.